Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende

Select the corresponding fund to use. For example, use the Pledge 2025 if you're making a pledge payment for year 2025 or select Fellowship Fund for a regular donation that enables us to continue running this fellowship's initiatives such as the Zoom services, rental of room, legal fees and other admin expenses, including staff payments. 

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende

Select the corresponding fund to use. For example, use the Pledge 2025 if you're making a pledge payment for year 2025 or select Fellowship Fund for a regular donation that enables us to continue running this fellowship's initiatives such as the Zoom services, rental of room, legal fees and other admin expenses, including staff payments. 

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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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Thank you for your gift to the Minister's Discretionary Fund for Chris Kellogg's Legacy to support Karen!


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